Zombie Flash Mob

August 24th, 2024, 6pm

If you are here, it is because you would like to be part of a zombie dance flash mob! The purpose of this flash mob is to inform the audience of the Zombie Convention coming 2025 at the Volcanoes Stadium. Here are the details for the flash mob:

August 24th, 2024, 6pm.

Cost: $5

Location: Volcanoes Stadium, Keizer Oregon

You will be learning a self taught dance with support from an online platform.

Follow these steps to sign up:

  1. Fill out the contact sheet below.

  2. Go to the website linked below to purchase a ticket and choose seating.

    3. Use the promo code: Zombie

    (we would like participants to be spread out in the stadium. Edge seats are suggested)

Soon after, you will receive an email with more details. We are excited for your participation!

Keizer Oregon zombie convention 2025

Link for ticket purchasing:

Promo Code: Zombie

Coming in October, Zombie styled shoot with Mall walk!

Date and sign up will be here soon.